Gartner will host the “World’s Most Important Gathering of CIOs and IT Executives” Oct. 20-24 at the Walt Disney World Swan & Dolphin Resort in Orlando, Fla. According to Gartner, the IT Symposium is the place to find and engage with business leaders who can...
We’ll be attending the Qlik Analytics Summit for Life Sciences on Tuesday, Sept. 24 in Princeton, NJ from 8:45 a.m.-5:30 p.m. The event is happening at the Princeton Marriott at Forrestal, 100 College Road East, Princeton, NJ. The event is free to attend. For...
Attending Strata 2019 and looking to meet with the Bardess team? Many of our top leaders will be present at the show and available for meetings at various times throughout the event. If you’d like to book a meeting, use this calendar to find an available block...
Watch the full video of Bardess Data Scientist Serena Peruzzo speaking on “Improving law interpretability with NLP” at the Strange Loop Conference here: Strange Loop is a multi-disciplinary conference that brings together the developers and thinkers...