973-584-9100 contactus@bardess.com

Bardess® Group’s CEO, Barbara Pound, and members of the Bardess Data Science Solutions team are pleased to be one of seven sponsors of the Women in Data Science Philadelphia @ Penn 2021 independent virtual conference hosted by the Wharton School of Business. The event takes place Monday, Feb. 8 through Friday, Feb. 12, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Bardess is thrilled to help empower, educate, support, inspire and encourage women in the field of data science. All proceeds from this conference will be donated to the Wharton Global Youth Program Data Science Academy for high school students currently enrolled in grades 10-11 with a strong background in math and interest in data analytics.

Come meet Barbara and the Data Science team at the Bardess virtual table to learn more about how we use data science and predictive analytics in the workplace to solve business problems. We would love to meet you and speak to you about the relevancy of data science and data integrity in today’s ever changing fast paced world. The virtual table will be open from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-1:30 p.m.

We will have case studies, a free eBook, videos, demos and more at our table showcasing the work we do at Bardess as well as our wholly owned subsidiary, Tangent Works US, which focuses on the benefits of InstantML, bringing faster and more accurate time series forecasting with anomaly detection.

Bardess has many years of experience bringing this revelation to companies through our expertise and vast experience in working in a full stack value chain which can highlight differences needed to provide valuable predictive analytics insights.

For over 23 years, the Bardess Group, has built their consulting business on providing unique data-analytics solutions and insights that are tailored specifically to their client’s business needs. These solutions take advantage of a world-class partner ecosystem and their unique ability to create innovative solutions. Bardess’ elite team of highly experienced data-analytics consultants and data scientists drive value through thoughtful design, strong partnerships, and rapid time to value for each client, which is why they are sought-after by Fortune 500 companies and forward-focused mid-sized companies.
